Who can I nominate for an award?
You can nominate any business or business person so long as they reside and operate within the Great Southern.
The business or person you are nominating does not need to be a member of the ACCI and you can nominate yourself or your business if you like too.
How to nominate or apply for an award
How do I submit a nomination?
You can submit a nomination below by clicking on the Nominate button below or on the GSBA home page. Have a read of the various award categories available and you can nominate a business for a maximum of three different award categories.
Is there a limit to the amount of nominations I can make?
You can nominate as many businesses or business people as you think are deserving! There are so many great businesses, business people and achievements that have been made over the last 12 months it’s important to let those businesses and business people know they are doing a great job.
However, nominations can only be made for businesses who reside and operate within the Great Southern Region, and you are only able to nominate a maximum of three award categories per business.
I’ve submitted a nomination, now what?
Thank you for your nomination and taking the time to tell a Great Southern business or business person they are doing a great job!
The business or person you have nominated will be notified and invited to apply for the award(s).
Do I need to be nominated to apply for an award?
No, not at all! You or your business can apply for an award regardless of whether you have been nominated for a particular category - or at all.
Applications are open to all businesses and business people residing in the Great Southern. Self-nominate here to be sent the instructions to submit an application.
I’m not a member of the ACCI, can I still apply for an award?
Yes, of course! The annual Great Southern Business Awards are open to all businesses and business people residing and operating within the Great Southern.
When submitting an application, businesses who are not current members of the Albany Chamber of Commerce (ACCI), Denmark Chamber of Commerce (DCCI), or the Katanning Regional Business Association (KRBA), will be invoiced $110 judging fee per award application to be reviewed and judged. This service is complimentary for members of the above noted organisations.
If you are located in Albany, join the Albany CCI here.
If you are located in Denmark, join the Denmark CCI here
If you are located in the Katanning Region, join Katanning RBA here
I need some help putting together my application, what should I do?
Contact us to have a chat about the process. Call us on (08) 9845 7888.
We will be putting together a workshop on how to write a winning application. More info on this coming soon!
With special thanks to our sponsors and supporters for helping make this event possible…
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